I have a few Knights Kingdom sets from 2000, but this is my most recent Castle / Kingdom / Knights and Bad Guys filled set. Until something else catches my eye, this small set serves to flesh out my current collection with some people and small constructions.
The set comes with two good King's Knight minifigures, two bad'un Dragon soldier minifigures, a dog, a cart with chest filled with treasures, and a small forest hideout construction with lots of tricks.
The two Castle Knights come dressed in mainly silver, blue, and dark grey and each have their own kind of helmet and weapon. They aren't double sided heads, but they do have nice prints on their backs as seen below.
I'm quite happy with the shininess of the silver used for their helmets and I especially like the chain mail torso print on one of the knights. That figure comes with a sword and beard stubble on his face. The other castle knight possesses a silver spear and the least detailed face print of all the figures in this set.
Silver square studs predominantly feature on the similar suits of the wily Dragon soldiers. As with the heroes above, these figures have differing helmets and weapons, but they also have detailed double sided heads.
The figure with the minimalist dragon head shield wields an axe construction made of an axe head and and a black rod. His first expression is grim and angry while the other shows an evil smirk framed by his thick ginger sideburns and other facial hair.
The other soldier holds my favorite castle weapon, listed as a spiked flail (mace). Under his harsh edged helmet, his first expression is a sinister smile showing a missing tooth. Save his other expression for defeat, as that shows worried eyebrows and a disbelieving mouth.
The story seems to be that our good Knights are escorting a cart with treasure on it, when out of the forest pops up an ambush. Hence the set name forest ambush. The cart itself is an easy and serviceable build with four places to clamp on accessories like the simple lion head shield and gold and blue flag. I'm very happy with the old-time cart wheels.
The cart also provides two studs to sit the full treasure chest on. The treasure itself consists of three different colored gems, a gold wine glass, and six gold round bits. The gold isn't shiny, but can snap onto any standard stud and on top of a figures hand.
I was excited to see that we get a dog with this set, as it is my first Lego dog. It's a German Shepard type sometimes used with Police sets. He has a stud on his back so perhaps he can carry the gold or the wine glass on his back.
The forest hideout construction packs a lot in a small space. The tallest structure is a tree with some smaller branches and a green apple. However, this is a sneaky tree and has been rigged to fall over to create a distraction and barrier to our good men with the cart. Between the tree and a large leafy branch is an area from which to launch the two grey flick missiles provided and atop that sits a black crossbow. Hiding behind the large branch is the second missile housed in a clamp. A total of three ways in which to attack.
It may be laughable, but one of the top things that amuses me about this set is the use of a green carrot top or plant sprout to secure the large leafy branch into place. I'm also glad that the tree just doesn't go into free fall when pushed, but can be eased into any degree of collapse due to the use of some Technic elements.
A nice assortment of extras considering the price point. Even a full sword, axe head, plant top, and extra gold coin.
Additional Image:
Year Released: 2013
Retail Price: $11.99
Pieces: 90
Minifigures: 4
My Purchase Location: Gift
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