Monday, October 29, 2012

8909- Team GB

What a fantastic idea Lego Group!  Unfortunately, I was not in England when these collectible minifigures came out, so I got stuck paying high prices on ebay and only purchased two (received one as a present later).  The baseplates these athletes come with are extra special because not only are they white but they have some printed words and symbols on them.  All the minifigures come with gold medals which I love because.. they are Lego gold metals (!) and also because they fit around the head of the figure so that the head can be pushed all the way down.  Every other neck accessory I've seen makes it so that the head cannot be depressed all the way which makes the neck look slightly odd.

Agile Archer (1)-  Comes with bow and arrow piece and special hair.  I have a few Indian sets from the mid 90s, and I don't remember the bow and arrow piece being quite this large but it still fabulously suits this archer.  His hair has a little curl in it and I've recently discovered that it is the same hair piece (different colour) as is used for Clark Kent.  The archer is of course wearing a special outfit, and one of his hands is even gloved.

Flexable Gymnist (3)- Comes with balance beam.  I love her outfit and facial expression as she looks like she's having a really good time.  The little balance beam is the perfect addition to this figure, allowing for a bit more playability.  She is my favorite from this series, which is why I bought her.  ;)

Stealth Swimmer (8)-   Comes with special printed and textured swimming cap.  Our swimmer is only wearing blue speedos (and goggles), but the print on his body is still fun as it features water droplets from his face, down his torso, and even on his legs; so he really looks like he just got out of the pool.  His torso print also suggests a nice six-pack and other muscles.

Additional Image:

Year Released: 2012
Retail Price: $2.99
My Purchase Location: Ebay, Gift

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