Monday, December 30, 2013

40059- Santa's Sleigh

This is a concept that's been done more than a few times, but seemed worth buying to me this year since last year's version had only a model Santa and I preferred to have real minifigures.  This set comes with Santa and an elf, a sleigh, a model reindeer, and three presents.  Accessories include a walkie-talkie, a wand, and a letter.

Saturday, December 28, 2013

40058- Decorating the Tree

I've been crazy for this Seasonal set since I first saw images of it months ago.  In this polybag, we get two minifigures (one with short legs), a model tree, a stepladder, four presents, and a tiny model train.  There is also a surprising amount of extra pieces for a $7.99 set.